kinder books

Office Location

37 Northbrook Hall Road, Banglabazar

Office Location

37 Northbrook Hall Road, Banglabazar

About Us

kinder books

An Eclectic Enterprise

Children are in born blessed with immense potentialities to become the forerunner of the future world. With the very irrevocable commitment to turn these kids into the highest potentials, kinderbooks has taken its momentum in publishing quality supplementary books and essentials with a view to providing the future powerhouse with an ever-best opportunity to enlighten themselves with their respective latent talents.

Kinderbooks, one of the nation’s leading publishing houses for pre-primary and primary level kindergarten books, has already created coruscation from the very beginning of its emergence to attain a concrete reliance to the creative learners, their teachers, guardians and educationalists.

A Glaring Mission

Kinderbooks, an emerging leader in publishing kindergarten books, has been pioneered by a legendary harbinger of country’s publication initiatives, particularly in academic books. As the founding personel, Mahmudul Hasan along with his dynamic teammates has toppingly widened the horizon of excellence in publication as to set sky to be the limit.

With the very spirit of creating a dynamically creative generation, Kinderbooks family is stern enough to hold fast its commitment to review each and every input through the lence of the latest innovations and upgradations in the world of children education with a view to fostering the intellectual development and nurturing the capability in the little geniuses.

An Irrevocable Vision

Kinderbooks has always been striving uncompromisingly in order to develop the latent talent of the little learners so that they can not only ensure highest academic grade but also feel a firm confidence in them to become an absolutely prolific asset for the society in the time of adulthood.

Kinderbooks, from its initial stage, has set up its aim and objective to provide the tender learners with a comprehensive and comparatively cost-effective studying experience in accordance with the unique education policy and curriculum adopted by our education-friendly government.

Our vision, in short, is to bring quality books for advanced kids, to educate and prepare the young generation aiming to turn them into invaluable assets for the society, nation and the globe as well.

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